Un article de Marina Blánquez
I’m Marina, I haven’t written anything for a long time.
This time I will explain you what I am doing also that I have become independent, having to carry certain issues now more me and how I’ve faced them.
Let’s start with the fact that I’ve always wanted to live in Girona when I finished my intermediate degree, this was my idea. Then I was going to finish the intermediate degree and I was going to look at options. After evaluating a thousand options with my parents, I saw that the best was to go to a student residence and that would be the way to meet new people, new places and new experiences and, above all, to be more autonomous.
I was really looking forward to coming to live here, especially to study the cycle and the fact of living a new stage.

I moved in on September 10th and on the 12th it was my first night here. Honestly, it was very strange not to sleep in my usual bed, in my usual room, but I knew that this would be like my new home for a while. I was also going to make a lot of changes so that I would feel more at home in my room at the residence, because in the end I will live here for a long time and the more comfortable I feel, the better it will be.
I was going to start on the 13th the presentation of the Dietetics and Nutrition course and there I met people from Girona and they explained what the course consisted of and it was very good.
Now that it is a degree is not like a career that we are so many that we do not even know each other, we already know each other and we already have a group there from the class, and just yesterday we went out all the class together and we were very happy. For example, there is another boy who has also studied the same intermediate degree as me and wants to do the same career as me, physio, and it’s great to meet people like that.
In the residence where I live it is very familiar people and the place, and you always end up doing something with someone from the residence, and there is no day that you don’t do something, as if it is just going down to make crepes but you always have a time of laughs. Also the best thing is that every time you go out for a party you come back to the side of more people and whether you like it or not it is better.
Now I've been living here in Girona for almost two months and now I must take care of the medication issues much more myself,
for example, I must go and get them myself, make sure I never miss them, which are things that I didn’t even know before because my father used to go and take care of them. So I have an important responsibility in this matter.

With epilepsy I have always been a girl who has a hard time retaining or memorizing, really, a lot; but this year I said that every day I would study a good time to keep up with what we do in the syllabus. It is willpower, and so far, I have done well, and I hope to continue like this. Also studying something that you really like helps in the fact of passing.
Also with the epilepsy issue, now because I am much more controlled with the seizures issue, but I also must have a good sleep hygiene, I must watch when I go out and then sleep well because otherwise, I can have a seizure or be more tired than normal.
But for the time I’ve been here in Girona, I’m really enjoying it.