As I told you in my April blog entry, this Easter we have spent with our family in Calanda. We have been cold, we have been wet, we have made excursions, we have met a lot of people, we have gone out in processions playing the drum, we have been in the “rompida de la hora” (breaking of the hour), feeling the din of hundreds of drums playing at the same time… the truth is that we have enjoyed a lot and everything has gone with great harmony.
As I often say, I am a privileged person, because my disease does not prevent me from enjoying this activity that, surely other people with epilepsy could not bear. Because epilepsy is a disease that manifests itself in many ways, not only with seizures, but that also has different origins, that can accompany other diseases, that the drugs that can control the seizures can be good for some people and bad for others. Therefore, we cannot expect our epilepsy to behave like that of another person who has also been diagnosed with epilepsy. Our community of patients should only and exclusively serve to support us, to give us sensible advice, to teach us how to react to a seizure, to spread the diversity of manifestations of this disease throughout the world and to encourage society to get to know us and to lose its fear of epilepsy.
I’m a privileged person, because my disease does not prevent me from enjoying this activity that, surely other people with epilepsy could not bear
In this month of May, the National Epilepsy Day is celebrated in Spain. It is the next day 24. From all associations, organizations and companies that focus on epilepsy is a good month to dedicate to this disease some outreach event and to make visible this disease. Since 6 years ago, the National Association of People with Epilepsy –ANPE– organizes in this month several events and asks public and private organizations to illuminate their buildings in orange on that day, because orange is the color of epilepsy in Spain. This year, I myself will make an informative program with an interview with an Argentinian activist who runs a blog on Twitter about epilepsy and with whom I contacted many years ago. She also has epilepsy and what she does has a lot of merit. The name she uses on Twitter is @espac_epilepsia, on Instagram Espacio de Epilepsia and on YouTube Espacio Epilepsia.
I will continue to tell you more.

ANPE – National Epilepsy Day
Congress of Representatives – Madrid