As I write these lines, we are approaching February 13rd, the day on which this year we celebrate International Epilepsy Day, as you know that it is celebrated on the second Monday of February.
However, people with epilepsy and their families live with the disease 365 days a year. It is necessary to have these special days in which the media, the administrations, the associations echo this disease, talk about it, put the focus on people who live with it and make society aware of what it is and what it represents. It is true that the Associations do not stop doing so throughout the year, but we do not deserve the attention of the media and that means that society still does not know the ins and outs of epilepsy.
People with epilepsy and their families live with the disease 365 days a year
Knowledge makes fear disappear. If you know what you are facing and what you must do, the way to accept it has already begun. And the same goes for people who do not have the disease: if they know what the disease is, what they can do in case of a seizure, that it can happen to them at any time… if they have even a minimal knowledge about epilepsy, bullying in schools or lack of work will decrease. You cannot discriminate on the basis of a disease.
With the few means I have, I try to reveal as much as I can the characteristics of this disease. As for this coming day, I am trying to close a radio interview and an informative round table. They are small things, but I could not do nothing knowing that with these things I can help, even if it is only one person.
A hug to all of you who have epilepsy and to your family members.
And always calm, very calm.