I live with epilepsy and I’ve never believed that my testimony could help other people. But, since I started writing about my life and my experience in public, a lot of people have approached me to ask me about it. It is amusing how little is known about this disease and how people get scared when they are diagnosed and, even more, when they are young fathers and mothers and their son gets diagnosed with epilepsy. That’s when they need someone to calm them down and show them an example of how you can live with this disease.
We know that there are many types of epilepsy and some are controlled with medications, some are not, some are operable, others are not… But it is also true that 80% of people with epilepsy can live a normal life. This is why devices like the one from MJN Neuroserveis are so important for those people whose epilepsy is not controllable with medications or operable. Thank you very much on behalf of all of them.
80% of people with epilepsy can live a normal life
In a more personal way, in the last few days, I have had some health problems, nothing too serious… But it seems that I am completely recovered and I can continue writing these collaborations with the people from MJN Neuroserveis, among which are David, Salva, and Xavi who do a lot for people with epilepsy. Having this device project in mind to anticipate epileptic seizures is wonderful.
By the way, don’t miss the interesting article that it has been published in the newspaper El Mundo, I think they explain very well the work that the entire MJN team does.
That’s all, greetings, and until the next entry!