From our partner Irene Tarragó
2023 has already ended and we begin 2024 with 366 days ahead (this year is a leap year) where we can write the numerous blank pages they represent.
First of all, I want to wish you all a year full of challenges achieved. To people with epilepsy, we wish you to control the disease in the best possible way, that it does not stop you from achieving your dreams; To the family members, that you do not suffer for us more than necessary; that, sometimes, we are more capable of doing things than you think; that you have to let us experiment and fail, because, above all, we are people, children, adolescents, young people or, like me, already grandmothers, who have to have as normal a life as possible, like any other person. Having our own experiences, with successes and failures, like everyone. We are not made of glass. We need your support but, also, that you give us space and freedom.
In my life I have been able to do what I have set out to do. It is true that my medication has controlled me wonderfully; but, it is also true, that I have been constant, that I always took it, that I never drank alcohol, that I organized my life so that I could sleep 8 hours and, at the same time, enjoy friends and activities and, at the same time, I have always I had the unconditional support first of my parents and then of my husband and my children. I have always been truthful, I mean that I have never hidden the fact that I had epilepsy. It’s not that I was always talking about it, but when I arrived at a new place where I was going to be for a while (for example, a new job, a gym…) I would mention it to the person closest to me (my boss or my coach). ) and thus they were informed of what they had to do in case of a crisis. That I have done sports such as swimming, horse riding, basketball, golf… that I have carried out cultural activities such as theater or singing… that I have developed the jobs that I have liked and dedicated my time to politics… Come on, I have done what I have always done. I have proposed. You can do it too. Come on!
I have always been truthful, I mean that I have never hidden the fact that I had epilepsy.
Well, nothing more to say at this beginning of the year. Enjoy life, we don’t know what expiration date we have. Many kisses.