From our partner Irene Tarragó
It’s almost Christmas! Life goes by at breakneck speed, and things can change a lot from one year to the next.
Last year, we organized Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas lunch at my sister-in-law’s house, as always for years, because it is the only one that has enough capacity for everyone. And no one predicted that it would be the last year.
Due to life events, my sister-in-law has sold her apartment and moved to a smaller one, so we no longer have a Christmas venue. However, this year we are going to try to get together, on Christmas Eve, at my niece’s house who has agreed to do it there, and, on Christmas, we will eat in a restaurant.
And the truth is that the thing is to share and live. Live life as if it was the last day, the last kiss, the last hug.
Just today I found out that a friend much younger than me, full of life, has a rare cancer that is difficult to cure, with 5 small children. You have to squeeze life out of every moment, because you never know. There is no need to regret what was done but rather what was not attempted. Be happy, spread good humor and joy, love and be loved. That is the essence of life. The rest is pure fantasy. Material goods help to have a good life, but they are not essential. No, far from it.
And the truth is that the thing is to share and live. Live life as if it was the last day, the last kiss, the last hug.
I think that people with chronic illnesses should adopt that attitude of optimism towards life and the situation we have faced from the moment we are diagnosed. We are not responsible for it, but we are responsible for the attitude with which we face it. And I can assure you that it is the smartest thing. Because walking around all day sad and angry because there is no right to what happens to you, leads to nothing, only to being more and more miserable. Going out on life and eating it, that does have merit and will make you much happier, even if it costs. I’m not saying it’s easy. But it’s what has to be done.
So, wishing that each and every one of you have a happy Christmas holiday, with that spirit of enjoying the moment and living life as it comes, I say goodbye to you until next year, but not before wishing you a happy 2024.