In this article I will tell you how I am dealing with the psychological issue of the paresis I suffered in my right leg after the epilepsy operation. I will tell you how I am handling the leg now, how I feel it and what I must do to get it back to full health.
PARESIS: A general term referring to a mild to moderate degree of muscular weakness, occasionally used as a synonym for PARALYSIS (severe or complete loss of motor function)
Source: BV Salud
After I had the paresis in my right leg, I spent some time going every day to do rehabilitation and on top of that I trained tennis so that I could do more physical exercise than tennis.
Now after a year and a half I have a much better leg and I have much more feeling of every movement I do, I should also do everyday gymnastics for the leg which I have forgotten for a while and now I have returned to do it. I need to have my right leg as strong as I have my left leg.
My trainer and others have told me and taught me some exercises that I can do for the fact of having the same strength in both legs, but I have to be constant and I must do it every day, it is not worth one day another day not, or one day a week because otherwise I will not get to have all the strength I need on the left.
Recuperation. Resilience
The psychological part plays a big part in this…
The psychological part plays a big part in this. When I do the movement of walking, I notice that I have one leg much stronger than the other; I notice when I walk that one leg makes more effort than the other, but then from the outside you can’t see it… Apparently it seems that I am 100% recovered but you can feel it on the inside.
Because I have the same strength in one leg as in the other, I have to go back to daily exercises and stretching so as not to have any discomfort. From the outside you don’t see any movement that I go lame, if I don’t know that you know me and know that it has happened to me you don’t notice anything; but now with the time of rehabilitation and exercises I will correct all this and I will return to have the same strength in one leg as in the other.