I take advantage of a moment of calm in the coming and going of the Christmas Holidays, to write these lines that I dedicate to you with so much affection every month.
We are in between Christmas and New Year’s Eve and after having been with our children and granddaughters on Christmas Eve and Christmas, now we are alone, my husband and I, waiting for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve to get together again, this time only with one of our children, which is enough.
We had a great time!

We had a great time. Santa Claus came, because in the Three Kings Day we are not going to see our granddaughters who, these days, are the real protagonists, and we told Santa Claus where we were going to be, so he would not make a mistake and leave the gifts somewhere else. We have been in our house in the country and, although it has been raining, we have enjoyed a lot and it was not too cold. On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I even dared to have a little bit of wine and cava (with the approval of my neurologist, who has told me that I can drink alcohol in moderation, so I had half a glass of wine and half a glass of cava).
This blog entry will be for the month of January 2022. One more year expired and one more year that COVID is still with us (I think it will stay forever). But truly, I hope that it gets weaker and weaker and, even if it spreads very quickly, these contagions are, as they seem to be, less virulent.
My political life goes on. With the illusion of being able to do something for the citizens and not remain in the mere complaint or criticism. My scope is small, because it is a district of Madrid, but big aspirations are full of small things. Some will like the party I am in, others will not, but that is healthy. It is good that people can choose between several alternatives and that there is debate and that there are agreements, too.
I wish you all a happy 2022. Those of us who have epilepsy should not get tired of taking care of ourselves and giving the disease what it needs so that it is calm and does not show its face. It is very cuddly. As soon as one day you forget to give her medicine, she protests. I hope that mjn-SERAS can help many of you to be aware of the risk of having a crisis and to be able to take safety measures.
I hope that mjn-neuro will continue its research to make life easier for patients. I wish you every success with your new DREAMER device for early detection of Alzheimer’s symptoms.
I wish that this 2022 is already the beginning of the post-COVID era and, above all, that we all stay well and take good care of ourselves. Best wishes to all.