Perhaps I might be heavy, but I know that it is so necessary to make visible this disease, that I do not mind repeating myself, I beg you to try to ask your city councils to illuminate their facades or monuments in orange, that day: May 24.
If you have access to any media, tell them about your experience, tell them about the mjn-SERAS device, tell them how you live with epilepsy or with a person with epilepsy. We have a voice and they have to listen to us. I am a bit tired of others speaking for me. I know what I carry on my back and who I can turn to, but to tell my feelings, my experiences, my needs… who better than me? So, I insist: let’s leave shame and fears behind and go out in the open to tell and explain what this disease is.
Lighting is a wake-up call. Let people know that we are there, that we are a very diverse group, that there are many types of epilepsy (almost as many as the people who have it).
We have a voice and they have to listen to us.
So, I insist: let’s leave shame and fears behind and go out in the open to tell and explain what this disease is.
This year the National Association of People with Epilepsy –ANPE– has had an extraordinary response from a great number of City Councils, Autonomous Communities, and other organizations that will illuminate their buildings in orange: from the Congress of Deputies to the City of Zaragoza, through the City of Murcia or Leon, as well as the Councils of Las Palmas, Lanzarote and El Hierro; the City of Cartagena, multiple city councils in Madrid, Pamplona and many more. Thank you very much to all of them. If you follow the association’s Facebook page, you can see the number of organizations that have joined us.
You know that we have just gone through elections in Madrid that have left me exhausted. Now begins a new political cycle that will last two years, because in two years we will have elections again. I am not going to comment anything because I do not want to mix this activity with political issues, but I do want to leave my testimony that with epilepsy you can also dedicate yourself to politics…. if you want.
I am sitting at the computer, and behind the screen, I have a window that lets me see outside. I am lucky, because I have a very clear and wide view. I can even see mountains. In the time I have been writing, it has been raining and now, the afternoon sun is shining with that light that appears when the sun emerges after having rained.