No, I’m not going to talk about the phases of the moon or the phases of epilepsy or the phases of someone’s lifetime. These days, the phases which everyone talks about are the phases of “de-escalation”, (a word which does not exist in our vocabulary) of this crisis caused by the COVID19.
We are going through stages, and we all have a great desire to reach that “new normality” (I don’t like that expression at all). But I would like to remind you that we have suffered a lot. That there have been many deaths, many of whom have died alone. That the health workers have been working hard, on the first line to heal everyone they could. Even at the risk of their own lives. And this is not the time to “de-escalate” and to throw everything away.
It’s our responsibility to follow the rules: wear the mask, respect the safety distance, clean your hands…
Yeah, we all feel like getting together with friends and going out for a drink. And we can do that if we respect the rules. For them, for us, for everyone. Let’s forget for a while about the kisses, hugs and the “friendship boost” moment when we’ve already had two or three beers. It doesn’t cost that much. We just have to get used to it.
It’s our responsibility to follow the rules
And then there’s the economic crisis. By going to the bars we are helping them to recover a little bit: let’s get together so that they don’t have to close. And let’s go back to the neighbourhood shops, the ones that have suffered so much, the ones that have been closed for so long. Let’s give them our support so that they can get through, so that they do not have to close down definitively. It okay to buy online or to buy in large malls, but the small shops, the self-employed people need us to keep working.
I wish with all my heart that you are all well. That the virus hasn’t touched you and, if it has, that you’ve beaten it. To you, your family, and your close friends.