From Antonio
For me, living with Epilepsy has meant giving up what it was like to be young in the 60s, never doing the same friends, not being able to go alone almost anywhere, being judged, since at that time we were the ones who had to be put under the stretcher, and by not doing like everyone else… you were the lazy one, the spoiled one, the useless one… No one wanted to have a friend who drank, got frustrated, got angry and didn’t obey… better to leave him alone.
Being drug-resistant, little has changed today, but now I feel just different from these, everyone can understand it and I work in a CEE, and I have my help in a different way. I see life go by, but at times I enjoy a different freedom thanks to my sister, and everything she has done for me
I hope that no one feels sad and alone because of this… and encourage us to fight for research.
Good luck to everyone!