How incredible!, it’s 2020! For a person who, like me, was born in 1958, this year sounds like science fiction. But well, things have been developing, advances have been made and, for now, reality has not yet advanced fiction. We still don’t have flying cars or android-like taxi drivers and we have not achieved teleportation, which is what I would like the most. No pollution, no traffic jams, nothing. You would think where you want to go and there you go by magic. It would be wonderful.
And as usual, at this time, I wish you the best for this year, and that the discoveries, advances or devices to treat epilepsy, to prevent their seizures, have development they lack. We are in 2020, there are diseases that are still a little under-researched in terms of progress. I tell you that, apart from epilepsy, I also have hemochromatosis, whose only treatment is to periodically transfuse blood. Those transfusions extract between 300 or 400mg of blood, every time you go. In my case, about 6 times a year. It’s horrifying. The veins are weakened from so many perforations (the needles are rather big). And I can’t understand that, in the 21st century, this is still so undeveloped.
We are in 2020, there are diseases that are still a little under-researched in terms of progress
So, from all fields, we have to give a boost to medical research and everything surrounding it. In the small political reach that I can cover now, I will promote research into diseases whose treatments have become more obsolete and the bureaucratic and administrative facilitation of the procedures that many devices have to go through until they reach the market.
May you all have a great year.