At MJN we work continuously to improve the standard of living and the living conditions of people with epilepsy. Our task allows us to get in touch with and get to know other people and entities that, like us, strive to achieve the acceptance of this condition in all spheres of society.
One such person is Andrea Lozano, a 28-year-old girl who lives in Collado Villalba. A fan of photography and writing, Andrea has been explaining her experience with epilepsy for more than a year from her blog, Lolito Epiléptico.
Andrea had her first epileptic seizure at the age of 17, just before she began her university studies. She tells us that she had a lot of difficulties during that time, most notably drowsiness and not accepting what was happening to her. It is because of this that now, eleven years later, Andrea has made the diffusion and normalization of epilepsy her task by means of a touch of humour.
This is what she says, just entering her blog:
Andrea has made the diffusion and normalization of epilepsy her task by means of a touch of humour.
“This is the page of a girl.
A girl with epilepsy.
One who wants to tell you how life is like this, with this brain of hers.
This is the universe of a girl and her “Lolito Epiléptico”
This is the message Andrea wants to convey: she is a girl with epilepsy, but more than anything, she is a girl. Epilepsy does not define people, they do it themselves.
Andrea’s work is not only limited to her blog, she also participates as a collaborator in a radio program, where she shares her experiences with the audience. In addition, she organizes talks for children in schools, to make the youngest ones aware that having epilepsy is not a bad thing and how to act if one of their classmates were to have a convulsive crisis.
Without further ado, here are some links to articles from Andrea’s blog (in Spanish):
Interview with Andrea by Freeda, an Italian platform fighting for parity and inclusion: Click here
You can also follow Andrea and her Lolito Epiléptico on social networks: