The objective of the Retos-Colaboración call is to support cooperative projects between companies and research organisations, with the aim of promoting the development of new technologies, the business application of new ideas and techniques, and contributing to the creation of new products and services.
The call for Challenges-Collaboration aims to stimulate, through the financing of projects, the generation of a critical mass in interdisciplinary R+D+I necessary to advance in the search for solutions in accordance with the priorities established in the Challenges, promote the creation of innovative companies, direct the activity of existing companies towards innovative activity, mobilise private investment, generate employment and improve the country’s technological balance, as well as reinforcing the international leadership capacity of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System and its agents, contributing to improving the competitiveness of the business fabric.
MJN applied for the 2018 call at the beginning of this year together with the University of Girona, specifically with its artificial intelligence department eXit. The final list of funded projects has published this December. In MJN we are very happy to be one of the chosen by the program. In this way, we have obtained resources to continue with the development of MJN-SERAS, our auricular device to assess the risk of epileptic seizures in collaboration with the eXit team. The joint work will allow us to evolve the crisis calculation algorithms, deepen their customization for each person, and adapt them in the best possible way to each user’s mobile device. All this work will continue through 2018, 2019 and 2020.
In MJN we continue working so that our MJN-SERAS device can offer the best results to our future users. In order to do this, the commitment to continuous improvement, innovation and investment in R&D is basic. From these lines, we would like to thank the Ministry of Industry and Innovation and its Collaboration Challenges programme, for having trusted us and the University of Girona.