I started out with some weird “dizziness” that turned out to be absence seizures. It was my early days with epilepsy; that odious disease. Although you can live a relatively normal life, it conditions you, prevents you from driving, embarrasses you and forbids you from living situations such as sharing a bottle of wine on your anniversary day. I appreciate her showing up at 21 and not before, but I still hate it.
Epilepsy reminds you that being
a mom and having this disease
is difficult, but not impossible
Still, on good days, bad days, and super bad days, I try to do my best and with the best sense of humor. My crises with loss of consciousness and falls already lead me to have the VIP patient card of my hospital, something that no matter how hard I try, I will not be able to avoid. Now I am 34 years old and trying to start a new little life; epilepsy reminds you that being a mom and having this disease is difficult, but not impossible. As Pablo Alborán says, I am determined to “get out of the disaster unscathed” even if I don’t know how, I am going to try.